News-Democrat from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)

THE NEWS-DEMOCRAT. PADUCAH. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1923. SEVEN PHYSICIANS OF STATE TO MEET Dr. Frank Boyd, PresidentElect, and Other Paducahans On Program.

Several Paducah physicians will appear on the program at the annual meeting of the Kentucky State Medical association, which will convene at Crab "'Orchard springs September 17 and remain in session through September 19. Dr. Louis Frank, of Louisville, will retire as president and will be sueceeded by Dr. Frank Boyd, of Paducah, who was elected at the annual meeting in Paducah last year. Several eminent surgeons of.

nation-wide reputation will appear on the program. Questions deal- ing. with the great future of medicine and preventive measures will be taken up and many new discoveries will be discussed from all angles. The Paducah physicians named on the program and their subjects are: "Lung Abscess of Four Years' Standing Following Aspiration' of a Peanut Kernal Cured By Bronchoscopic Aspiration of Pus and Dilatation of Bronchiectatic C. E.

Purcell. "Management of Placenta Prae-Dr. E. A. Stevens, of Mayfield.

"The Treatment of Puerperal Infection." -Dr. J. T. Reddick. "Complications and Sequella of Typhoid Fever." -Dr.

E. R. GoodJoe. "Acute Infective Osteomyelitis" -Dr. P.

H. Stewart. Tornadoes passed through two sections of Kansas. Either that or a couple of wheat farmers got mad. A Good Thing DON'T MISS IT.

Send your name and address plainly written together with 5 cents (and this slip) to Chamberiain Medicine return Des Moines, Iowa, and receive in trial package containing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, colde, croup, bronchial, "Au" and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamberlain's ach and Liver Tablets for stomach blee, indigestion, gaesy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and constipation; Chamberlain's Salve, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, and skin affections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. Don't miss it. PUREST OF ICE CREAM delivered any part of the city from 1-2 gal. up. Paducah Candy Kitchen 816 Bway.

New Phone 82 Old Phone 1591 Thurman's Bootery Give Us a Look Before You Buy We Carry NUNN BUSH and THOMPSON 'BROS, in MEN'S PEDIGO WEBER and QUEEN QUALITY for the LADIES BOOTERY Paducah's Newest' Shoe Store 403 Broadway Old Phone 798-J WILCOX-MILES HELD Wedding Was One, of Most Beautiful Ceremonies Ever Held In Murray. Murray, Aug. -(Special) -One of the most beautiful weddings ever witnessed in Murray took place last Tuesday when Miss Dorothy Wilcox and Konrad Miles were married. It was a home wedding with a large number of friends and relatives present. The ceremony was performed by the Rev.

W. C. Waters, of Paris, Tenn. Preceding the wedding Miss Julier Gatlin sang, "I Love You, Dear." Miss Wilcox was attended by Miss Mary Schorader as bridesmaid, and Miss Lorena Wilcox as maid of honor. Nix Myers was groomsman, and Noah Miles as best man.

Little Miss Eva Linn Meloan was the' flower girl. and Mrs. J. L. Wilcox and is an bride is the daughter of Mr.

tractive girl of Murray. She wore a wedding gown of. golden brown canton crepe. The couple left for Mammoth Cave and Louisville on a wedding trip. Vera Cruz 'Again In Normal State Mexico City, Aug.

Cruz resumed communication with the outside world today when the railway lines entering the port were again in operation after a five day tieup. The labor dispute that had isolated the city ended last after a conference between represenatives of the confederation of railway men societies and the Workers League of the Vera Cruz maritime zone. The settlement was effected by the determined attitude of the moderate laborites and the consumers toward the strikers and the Vera Cruz police. LA CENTER La Center, 9ug. 27-(Special) ---Mr.

and Mrs. G. F. Ferguson have returned from Niagara Falls and Montreal, Canada. Miss Malissa Smith left yesterday for her home in Missouri after a visit to Miss Mertise Nave for several weeks.

Mrs. W. H. Viets has purchased the R. L.

Bradshaw residence on Broadway. Pruitt Powell has removed to La Center from Oscar. S. J. 'White has returned to Wickliffe after a trip on business.

KILL FLIES with Bee Brand Insect Powder Ask your Druggist or Grocer MS CORMICK CO. BALTIMORE, THE SUPERIOR MODEL Chevrolet Sedan Numerous high quality features desired in a low-priced automobile are found in the NEW SUPERIOR MODEL CHEVROLET. The sedan is most pleasing to look at, beautifully upholstered, built complete to endure the strongest test and yet economical in gasoline and oil consumption. Your requirements in an automobile, may be found in the CHEVROLET. See it today, If you lack an automobile you are behind the march of progress.

If you lack a CHEVROLET you are behind the evolution. of economical transportation. RIGLESBERGER MOTOR CO. Fourth and Jefferson Phones 323 FUGITIVE WRECKER HELD Marcino Caught At Laredo On Charge of Stealing Quarter Million. By The Associated Press Laredo, Texas, Aug.

Baita, alias Joseph Marcino, wanted in Chicago and Warren, on charges of absconding with bonds valued at $250,000 from National banks, was arrested at the international bridge here today. He is held in county jail in default of $100,000 bond. to receivership. Vanishes With Fortune. Chicago, Aug.

B. Marcino, arrested today at Laredo, Texas, in connection with the disappearance of $213,000 worth of bonds from the First National. Bank of Warren, had a meteoric rise here from barber to banker and financial heights. Nine years ago he WAS a barber. Then he got a job with an insurance company and' a short time afterward organized the Public Life Insurance company which went out of business.

Weds Banker's Daughter Later he organized the Roma Investment company and wealth Insurance company and with others secured control of numerous small banks in Iowa and Illinois. He was indicted in connection with the failure of some of these institutions but jumped his bail. He married a daughter of Abraham Goldman, wealthy Chicagoan, and then with the aid of capital said to have been furnished by his father-in-law, transferred his operations to the east where he secured an interest in the Farmers and Merchants bank of Philadelphia, which failed, and then in the Niagara Life Insurance of Buffalo, which went in- Going to Warren, he succeeded with Goldman's aid in gaining control of the First National Bank of Warren, and Frank L. Taylor, a Chicago clerk and former railroad brakeman was installed as head of the institution. Marcino disappeared last February along with bonds held by the bank valued at $213,000.

about the same time Taylor vanished from Warren. Taylor was arrested in Chicago, where he claimed he came to Goldman that his son-in-law had left with the bank's resources. Goldman and Taylor claimed they knew nothing of Marcino's flight with the bonds, but Taylor is serving a threeyear prison sentence for his part in the affair. Railroad Engineer's Widow Is Drowned Ludlow, Aug. 27 Mrs.

Cecilia Waters, 36, of Ludlow, was drowned in the Ohio river here today, and her body was recovered several hours later. Mrs. Waters, who was the widow of a Southern railroad engineer, killed in a train wreck a year ago, had gone to the river in search for her two sons. Later the boys started a search for their mother. They found an overshoe belonging to Mrs.

Waters and a trail of footprints leading to the waters edge. Firemen dragged the river and recovered the body. Coroner D. W. Stephens was informed that since the death of her husband, Mrs.

Waters had been ill. Swarms of bees are a result of overcrowding in the hive. In spite of revenue agents a man back up in the mountains of Tennessee is 106 years old. When the two New Orleans women with 18 kids each go to movie, people think it is a picnic. DO YOU HAVE CHILLS? If So, This Information Is Very Valuable.

Are you bothered with chills. Is your system full of poison malaria, etc. Don't fool away your money on temporary mixtures, but get a bottle of HERB JUICE and begin taking it without delay. Chills are unnatural and very depressing. Herb Juice is the greatest of all tonics and system medicines, bringing back to you your former strength and vitality.

Paducah people are daily giving testimony of the great cures accomplished that you too may know the true facts and be well again. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at Gilbert's Drug Store, 4th and Broadway, where the Herb Juice expert direct from the laboratories will explain merits of this wonderful gift to mankind. Also for sale at Kuy's Drug Store, La Center; Jewell's Drug Barlow; McCuison's Drug Store, Hardin; Evans Drug Mayfield; Rexall Drug Store, Murray; Evans Drug Store, Fulton; Huddleston's Store If you cannot get it at your local dealers, write the Herb Juice man, giving his name. Accept only the genuine made by Herb Juice Medicine Co.

Other remedies bearing similar names are cheap imitations and should be avoided. For Pains Use Miller's "Snake Oil," made by the Herb Juice Med. Co. Will relieve any pain in three minutes, either internal or external. Ady.

FIRPO TUNES IN ON PARTNERS Terrific Rights Hum Sweet Music In Ears of Three Pugilists At Camp. By The Associated Press Atlantic City, N. Aug. 27. Using the same sixteen-ounce gloves that failed to soften the punches he landed on Joe Downey in Indianapolis several weeks ago, Luis Angel Firpo, challenger for the heavweight boxing title, played pugilistic music on three sparring mates today, in his daily workouts.

Lefts were accompanied by rights and the critics said his technique was first rate. He played two syncopated numbers and one funeral march. Jeff Clark, the "black ghost" of Joplin, tuned like a banjo and young Frank Koebele, the Brroklyn, zither, were instruments used in the fast numbers, while Joe McCann, the Newark bass drum, was thumped 'in the other. Many notes Luis Angel struck, they threw back at him, but Luis Angel has become attuned to such music. Luis Angel failed to strike correctly on several occasions with the Joplin banjo, for the ghost was unusually elusive, but there were only a few blue notes.

The ghost hummed for half a minute after Firpo twanged his chin with the right, brought cleanly from the shoulder in a graceful arc. On the zither Firpo used his left all through, never missing the jaw strings once. McCann was easy to strike but hard to hurt and tho he was shaking near the end of the piece, he was still going strong. South American champion received his first good luck charm today--a sterling silver four-leafed clover -from Mrs. H.

S. Ogden of Philadelphia. TULLY IS FOR BUYING LOCALLY Ciyt Commissioners Debate Question When Considering Timber Bill. To purchase or not to purchase from Paducah dealers materials needed by the city departments was the question debated for a few minutes at the meeting of the city commissioners yesterday afternoon. It arose when a bill of W.

M. Wimberly, who operates a saw mill near Reidland, for $106.75 representing the purchase of timber needed for the street department was presented for payment. Commissioner Wynn Tully said that he thought the city departments should patronize city firms, who pay city taxes and municipal license fees. The other commissioners pointed out that the purchase represented a saving of approximately $40 to the city. The bill was ordered paid.

Ladies Let Cuticur: Keep Your Skin Fresh and Young Soap, Ointment, Taleum, 25c. every where. address: Outicura Laboratories, Dept. X. Malde Maia.

ROADS DROPS CONTRACT Refuses To Run Chance of Litigation Over Fountain Avenue Project. The Southern Roads company of Birmingham, awarded the contract for the construction of a hard surface on Fountain avenue between Broadway and Jefferson street, has rejected the contract according to informaton given the city commissioners yeterday afternoon by City SolicitorRoscoe Reed. The contract was pt accepted by the officials of company upon advice of their attoreys. The officials of the compare regarded it as doubtful of the ducah Railway company being her the cost of the improvement putting the street car tracks. The value of the strip of property usedas a right of way is so small that could not be subjected to the' cot of the improvement.

Rather than like any chance of litigation over de point in the contract, the officils of the Southern Roads company have officially declined to enter into the contract. METROPOLIS MAN GIVES TESTIMONY Indigestion and Rheumatism Sufferer Says Noxall Is Best By Test. I have been suffering with indigestion. Everything I ate swell my stomach up and gas would form in my stomach. For years I did not know what it was to go to bed and sleep like other men.

I had to take something every night for constipation and rheumatism. I never saw a well day in the last five years and have tried many remedies. I want to say Nox-all is the grandest medicine I have ever taken. I can eat and sleep. Rheumatism is gone and I just feel I would not be without Nox-all, and gladly recommend it to any sufferer of Indigestion constipation and Rheumatism.

It can't be beat. Try it today. P. G. BEAN, 910 East 6th St.

Metropolis, Ill. Sold by all drug dealers. Child size 50c. Large size E. BOWERS CO.

Special Prices On Car Lots Wholesale Butter, Eggs Poultry Main Office, Paducah, Ky. BOONE CO. Dealers in Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Etc. M. B.

Holmes, Mgr. Prop. Get Our Prices Before You Sell 2-BIT WAGER IS MURDER MOTIVE Robert Clark, Negro, Shoots Dice Opponent, Dalla Allen, Negro, Sunday. Dispute over. a bet that involved twenty-five cents led to a quarrel early Sunday afternoon between Dalla Allen, 50 years old, and Robert Clark, negroes, at a dice game in a grove near Maxon Mill.

After only a few words Clark pulled a pistol and killed Allen. Immediately after the shooting Clark escaped and early last he had not been 1 located by the officers. Sheriff Roy Stewart and Deputy Sheriff Robert Vannerson laid in wait Clark until Sunday evening but he never appeared at his home. died in about thirty minutes after the bullet' pierced his body. Services were held at a negro church near Maxon Mill Sunday and a large crowd was present.

A group of negroes engaged in a game of craps in a grove not far distant from the church. It is said that about twenty men were participating in the game: while Clark and Allen made a bet on one of the plays, which resulted in their fatal quarrel. The bullet entered Allen's right breast between the forth and fifth ribs and ranged downward, the lower part of the heart and emerging in the back. Coroner James F. Wright held an inquest over Allen's body yesetrday afternoon at the residence of Allen, 816 North Eighth The verdict was to the effect that Allen met his pistol in the Robert Clark.

death from a inflicted by a wound, Allen was employed as a freight handler at the Illinois Central railroad station. Clark resides on the for CHILLS AND MALARIA OXIDINE The Guaranteed Tonic Special Sunday I Dinner 75c Dixie Cafe 408 B'WAY Blandville road and is a farmer. A warrant charging Clark with murder was issued yestesday. NAME MEN TO PLAN MEETING McCracken Dark Pool Mem-, bers To Hold Mass Meeting On September 5. Chester A.

Jett and George Houser, of county, have been appointed chairman and alternate respectively to arrange details and handle the mass convention of the members of the McCracken county division of the seventh directorial district of the Dark Tobacco Growers' Cooperative association. The convention will be held at the MeCracken county courthouse at Paducah at 10 o'clock a. Wednesday, September 5 to select candidates for delegates to be voted upon at the general election of the association on September 22. McCracken county is entitled to elect three delegates. The Seventh district Carlisle is composed McCracken of Ballard, and counties.

Wfe in Flint, claims hubby tried to drown his troubles by pushing her off a bridge. Police Court Continuances were the style in police court yesterday morning. The trials and defendants Police were Judge not W. ready K. Wall for granted continuances.

Joe Hetheway, colored, a broker in automobiles, and Reuben, Harris, were given continuances until today on charges of, operating automobiles without proper license tags being displayed. Trials of George Ross and Joe Booker, charged with breach of the peace, were continued until today. The case of Harry Cruse, charged with disorderly conduct, was transferred to the juvenile court. NOXALL For sick and cross children. Cleans and builds up the blood, sharpens the appetite, pleasant to take.

Sold by all Drug Dealers Only 50c. Made of herb and iron syrup and pepsin. Call for it by CEDAR CHESTS A LANE CHEST is built to last for generations. Perfect protection for your dearest treasures. SEE OUR WINDOWS (GLEAMED RESONS 416 BROADWAY' "Gleaves to Please" Landscape Artist A painter and his paintings in our window this week 43 40 301 "Watch Mr.

Adams Paint" PICTURES FRAMES FRAMING Barksdales HOME OUTFITTERS Largest Art Dept. in West Kentucky Hurry This Sale Hurry Will Not Hurry Last Much Men Longer Avail Yourselves of the Monstrous Values At Superior's Big Mill-End Sale and avoid paying higher prices later 3-Piece Suits- -Tailored To Your Measure 19:00 $23:00 $27:00 $30-00 luperior Offers Quality SUPERIOR WOOLEN Give Superior Suits Without ExtravaganceMILLS Trial Convinced and You Will Foll SUPERIOR MAKE SUPERIOR FIT SUPERIOR QUALITY of the Economy With Elegance Paying Higher Prick 402 Broadway Gus Talbott, Mgr, Old Phone 164 922, by Basil L. Smith).

News-Democrat from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.